I said hey! What’s going on?
I click open my browser, open my blog, and stare at the blank page, waiting for the words to pour out. Sometimes, they do, but then I leave without pressing publish. Other times, it remains blank. I have so much I want to say, but sometimes I’m scared to say it. I have so much I want to share, but part of me wants to keep it all to myself. I always try and be open on my blog. I only ever want to be myself. It’s hard to put yourself in that position at times though. I open up about my mental health a lot, because I hate the negative stigma that surrounds…
Oh so deep and meaningful.
Life is weird. Sometimes as much as you wish sometimes that things would just stand still and stay that way, it doesn’t. It may be as subtle as the flutter of insect wings, or as dramatic as a disastrous tornado, but you can’t stop change. I struggle with my head, lately, it seems like the hardest thing to do to just get out of bed. It’s not always like that, i’ve gone months where I feel fine, like a nearly ‘normal’ person. But I fell down a while ago, and I can’t seem to find my footing to stand back up straight again. My head gets filled with, what ifs,…
Life Musings.
First of all, sorry that the blog went down over the weekend. Of course it had to go down on the weekend I was away from my computer and had VERY limited net access. Oh well, all that matters is that it’s back up, and running better then ever, thanks to Sucuri! Sharing on my blog is sometimes difficult. I always try to be open, I talk about things that effect my life, my mental illness, some of the day to day dribbles, my love of animals, of fashion, of accepting myself. Truth is, i’m very much a shy and insecure person. I find it hard opening up to people, even…
Home again, home again.
I’m back home in Sydney, amongst my boxes of stuff, still not fully unpacked from my move. Frodo was beyond happy to have me back & has been trying to catch up on all the kisses he’s missed. Truth is, my world is upside down. I feel like i’m in this numb sort of limbo, not knowing what comes next. I guess that’s life though. I still don’t know what I want from it, other then ‘to be happy‘. My life is completely different to the one I had 6 months ago. Sometimes I sit and think ‘What have I got myself into?‘. But at the end of the day, i’m happier then i’ve…