• Everyday

    Visiting my babies!

    The last few months have been crazy weird. Ups and downs. Holidays. Emotions. It’s been strange. One thing I’ve constantly been feeling though, is missing my babies, so last week I booked tickets back to Adelaide to visit Ginny & Henry. It’s been nearly 5 months since I had seen them. It’s the longest i’ve ever been without them. Lucking Adam and I are still pretty close, not to say it’s not a little weird and emotional, but it’s also good to be able to see him in person to talk about things. I may have cried when I walked into the house and saw them for the first time.…

  • Everyday

    Quick Pics – Phone Cam Post!

    When I was in Melbourne we went to dinner at a Teppenyaki restaurant. It was AMAZING! I’d never been before & had such a fantastic time. I am a really shy person, but I thought I should at least bask in the full experience, lets just say, I’m not the best at catching bowls, especially bowls filled with fried rice! Our chef wrote my name in egg! Yes, that there is egg! I then proceeded to eat it! Omnomnom! Ginny & Henry <3 This was way back in June! Lou, Jess & I out to dinner (with Adam) at The Pancake Kitchen! Henry would often end up sitting on my netbook.…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    10 simple things that make me HAPPY!

      I’m trying to focus on the positives. Trying to find pleasure in the simple and easy things. I thought i’d share my top 10 with you. 1 – Having bright coloured hair & nail polish. My current favourite is pink hair & crazy bright orange nail polish. 2 – Laying in bed during the day, the sun shining in through the window, snuggled under the blanket, but a small fan on blowing a breeze on my face. 3 – My babies. Frodo, Ginny & Henry. They are my world. I look at Frodo & my heart swells, I honestly believe I can never love anything as much as I…

  • Everyday

    Happy Easter from my bed!

    I don’t really celebrate Easter. I’m not religious so it honestly doesn’t hold much meaning. I still stick to the tradition of Fish on Good Friday. I respect what other people believe & actually do find Religion an interesting subject. I’m just still not sure I know what I believe in. As I’ve never been huge on Chocolate, in my house when I was younger my parents would often just buy me a present instead of eggs. This year, my parents have bought me Season 1-4 of Doctor Who to watch whilst i’m on bed rest. This is where I’ve been spending the past week. Either proped up in bed…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    Quick pics & some ramblings!

    I’m working on 4 hours sleep in the last 40 odd hours. I’m hoping i’ll sleep soon but I’m so wound up & stressed that I can’t seem to relax. If all else fails, i’ll pull Adam’s bean bag out into the garden tomorrow and nap in the open air (under shade of course, I burn with in minutes!). I cried so much today, it’s a mixture of things. I’m stressed about one of the design jobs I’m doing, I’m stressed about money. I’m depressed & frustrated about my mental illness, which is somewhat amusing. I want to study, but I need a steady job to pay for the studies, but…