• Fashion,  Outfits

    Outfit – Simple Disney Villains

    I wasn’t originally going to share these photos, I took a few on my phone in my new rental property, but they turned out better then expected, so I thought I may as well use them! Sometimes I forget that my phone has a pretty decent camera. Ahh, technology! Friday, I went to get the keys and check out the new place, I hadn’t actually seen it yet. However, the weather was utterly horrible! It was raining (& I didn’t have an umbrella), so I took a taxi to real estate agent and was planning on catching the bus home, as it looked like the rain cell would have moved…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Outfit – Monochrome Kitty

    Can you see something different? NO CAM BOOT! Yep, I went to the orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday, and he’s happy with the way my foot is healing and told me he hopes to never see me again! Phew! It’s so nice to not have to wear the cam boot, but weird trying to walk again. My ankle has been immobile for 8 weeks, so it feels so strange to be able to move it around. Today, I went out for the first time sans boot and golly, it really is so much easier to get around without a big hulking boot. The surgeon said to wear boots or sneakers for…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Outfit – Striped monochrome.

    Yeah, I am fat and I LOVE to wear stripes! I totally think all the talk about what a fat person can & can’t wear is total BS. Wear what YOU want! I bought this top online ages ago, but accidently had it sent to my parents address. It took them awhile to post it to me, but boy was it worth the wait! I need to remember to take outfit photos before I go out, cause once I get home I just want to strip off and relax. I’m glad my make up stayed on so well, just had to reapply my gloss! My hair is in desperate need of…

  • Everyday

    Blogging Buddies – Ezmae, Jacqui & Kobi!

    I’ve been following Ezmae online for agggges now,  so when she messages a group of Melbourne bloggers to see if they wanted to meet up, I jumped at the chance! I really love getting out and meeting other bloggers, it’s so nice to have conversations with people who understand what you’re talking about! I also got to meet Jacqui for the first time and spend more time talking with Kobi who I only briefly met at the Tess meet and great. We met up at a place I’d never heard of called Section 8. It was pretty awesome and so Melbourne! It was made out of shipping containers and old packing…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Melbourne Moments – City Myer – Outfit

     Last week I headed into the city to meet up with my buddy, fellow blogger, Vanessa! I love catching up with Vanessa, she is such an amazingly beautiful human. We spent the day wondering around the city, having lunch at the pancake parlour, and lusting over allll the things! When I spotted this dome of faux flowers inside Myer I excitedly asked Vanessa to take a picture of me with it! (Gosh, I hope I’m not the only one who is like “oh, I want a photo with the pretty things!”) I’m learning to layer for Melbourne weather. I was having such a ‘I have nothing to wear’ day and…