A to Z of me!
Stolen from Meg’s Ragged Edge & Kittenbear A. AGE: 25. B. BED SIZE: Queen C. CHORE THAT YOU HATE: Hanging washing on the line & doing the dishes. D. DOGS: Love them! I have a 9 year old dauchaund x mini foxie called Frodo! E. ESSENTIAL START TO YOUR DAY: Cold drink. F. FAVOURITE COLOUR: I have to pick just one!? Pink. G. GOLD OR SILVER: Silver all the way. H. HEIGHT: 5’5″ish I think. I. INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY: Keyboard/Piano. Used to play a little bit of Bass, but I remember nothing now. J. JOB TITLE: Freelance Graphic & Web Designer. Blogger. K. KIDS: My little man beast Mr Frodo. None of the human…
24 hour blonde!
Since deciding on growing my hair longer, I’ve been a good girl in regards to bleach. I used to change colours often & would bleach the previous colour out. My hair ended up just saying ‘NO’. Now, I generally just do my regrowth. Every few months though, I give the rest of the hair a light run through. I let the colour fade out and lighten it. This results in me being blonde, usually only for 24 hours at the most. Honestly, I think I look horrid as a blonde! Oh, did I mention I got a hair cut? My Mum didn’t think it was too noticeable, but I got around…
Happy Birthday Mister Frodo!
Today is my little man’s 9th Birthday! It seems only yesterday I feel in love with this little boy in a local pet store. I wasn’t looking for a dog, but I noticed him & my heart exploded. That’s how it’s happened with my animals, but Frodo, oh he is my baby. Frodo has helped me get through some of the hardest times of my life, and it’s killing me not to have him next to me during this current situation. I just keep telling myself, it’s not too much longer. This is also the first birthday of his that I will have missed. I really do consider him my…
10 simple things that make me HAPPY!
I’m trying to focus on the positives. Trying to find pleasure in the simple and easy things. I thought i’d share my top 10 with you. 1 – Having bright coloured hair & nail polish. My current favourite is pink hair & crazy bright orange nail polish. 2 – Laying in bed during the day, the sun shining in through the window, snuggled under the blanket, but a small fan on blowing a breeze on my face. 3 – My babies. Frodo, Ginny & Henry. They are my world. I look at Frodo & my heart swells, I honestly believe I can never love anything as much as I…
Florsheim Shoes via Westfield
When Westfield contacted me in regards to doing a shoe review, I jumped at the chance. Hello, SHOES! I’ve been stalking the Westfield site, as I mentioned in my last post. Now I just had to decide on a pair of ladies shoes! Frodo decided he had to get in one of the photos! I decided on a pair of sneakers by Florsheim. I need a pair of sneakers, I actually didn’t own a pair! When I noticed these, it was love. I don’t think I could find a pair of sneakers more ‘me’! I’d never heard of the Florsheim brand, but I’m glad I decided to get them! For the sale…