• My 33rd birthday!

    Event – My 33rd Birthday!

    June 7th 2019 Wow, this was over a year ago! To think, I’m now 34 and spent this birthday in lockdown. I believe that’s how most Australians have spent their birthday this year! I decided to spoil myself for my birthday. M and I had already started to plan what I was going to do for my birthday before he passed, but I didn’t feel right doing any of that, so I decided to just let myself go and have as much fun as I could! I booked a hotel in the city for two nights! Melbourne is full of amazing places to stay but I decided on the Rendezvous…

  • NYX Miss Fame Masterclass Melbourne
    Event,  Hair & Beauty

    NYX x Miss Fame Masterclass

    March 9th, 2019 Let me tell you something. Grief brain is real. So many months are fuzzy. I have a pretty bad memory to begin with, but add in grief and I’ve lost whole chunks of time. My memory of this event isn’t the best, so this will be more graphics than text. I adddore Miss Fame. Weirdly enough, I have never seen an episode of Drag Race. I’d always meant to watch it but it was never available anywhere I could watch. Trying to think back, I don’t exactly remember where I first found out about them, but I did and I was enamoured. NYX announced that they were…

  • Outfits

    OOTD – The closest to Chris Evans I’ll ever get.

    So, I realised the other day I have a good chunk of images from last year that I posted on my Instagram, but not here on the blog. Life was tough and I was bearly holding it together, I was still managing to go out and keep myself occupied, see friends, but sharing across all social media was a bit too much. I focused on my Instagram but neglected the blog. Honestly, I do feel blogging is much more a media of the past. Microblogging and any video content is where it’s at these days, but what can I say. I still love blogging. I’ve been sharing my life online…

  • Header stating Çoping Mostly
    Fashion,  Outfits

    OOTD – Coping, Mostly.

    This post contains gifted items. Victoria is back in its second lockdown. We have a curfew.  Honestly, it doesn’t change much of my day to day life. It’s still hard though. I miss my family and I have no idea when I’ll get to Sydney to see them again. That’s one of the biggest things I’m struggling with. When Jubly Umph sent me her latest collection, well, I felt they were very fitting. I think they will evoke *real feels* for a lot of people. I decided to pop on 3 out of the 6 pins on my jumper to walk to the shops. Some of these will end up…

  • Lustlist

    Mid year Lustlist!

    Ahh, Lustlists! To think I used to do these at least once a month. Now it’s a few times a year. In fact, my last one was over 6 months ago! I admit, it does feel weird to be doing one in the middle of *waves hands around* what’s happening in the world atm. I realise though that some people have more time up their sleeve, some small business need customers more than ever and some people have the money to buy stuff. So, here is what i’ve had my eye on recently. Links marked with a * is an affiliate link. Arista Ruffle Skater Dress – Lunatics – $99au…