It’s been a looooong time since I shared a lustlist! Basically, it’s just a round-up of all the pretty things I’d love to own! Heads up, some links are affiliate links (which means if you buy something, I earn a small but of $). KokoKumaShop – Magical Girl Pink Purple long skirt – $64.80au +$42.28 s&h || Yeah, look, I just want to dress like a toddler, fairy, rainbow and this skirt is just magical. If it wasn’t for the added postage, I think i’d have bought it by now. LOOK AT IT! Dyspnea – Ta Ta Bodice – $169 || I want evvvverything from Dyspnea. It’s all so beautiful,…
My day at Sydney Zoo
Just over a week ago my partner and I headed down to Sydney to visit family over the Easter holiday. We packed up the car with the dog and bird and drove down. I was thinking of things to do and decided we should check out the new zoo. It’s not exactly new, it was opened in 2019, but it’s new to me. Sydney Zoo is only around 15 minutes away from my parent’s place so seemed the perfect place. First up, parking, whilst free, was horrible. That being said, we did go on the Saturday of the Easter long weekend. We pre-booked our tickets but spent nearly 30 minutes…
A visit to The Three Sisters
Ahhh, The Three Sisters. For some reason, the Three Sisters always feels like home to me. I’m not sure why. I’ve never lived ‘close’ to them. My parents live at the base of the Blue Mountains and thinking about it, the 3 sisters are closer than Sydney City is. The Blue Mountains is a really beautiful and special place and i’ll use any excuse to visit. It was hard getting a good portrait picture due to the sun glare. My boyfriend and I headed up on Good Friday, which was probably a bad idea due to the insane amount of people there. We headed over to Scenic World because I’ve…
Outfit – Emotionally Exhausted
So the stop at the Three Sisters was a spur-of-the-moment decision. I’d been to visit my niece and great-niece in the morning and dropped Toby off at Dad’s before grabbing a jumper and heading out. So the outfit is a bit of a mish-mash. I was super comfortable though! Yeah, you only get seated shots. Wasn’t exactly planning on doing an outfit post with these, but still wanted to show off the outfit. I also think it’s good to show off outfits in different positions. I’ve been enjoying following along with #styleseated. This jumper was a gift from my friend Kylie and it’s SO ME! I am emotionally exhausted and…
OOTD – A new colour palette
I’ve been branching out with my colour palettes lately. Back in the day I wouldn’t be scene in any earthy Autumn colours but I’ve been drawn to them more over the past year. Now a few things i’ll be sharing for awhile will be all older items and out of stock, but hopefully they can give you some ideas of outfits to wear or places to shop. This is a Big W find. I used to find Big W very hit or miss, especially with their plus size section, but I feel they’ve upped their game a bit. I can usually find at least one thing I want when I…