Outfit – Barbie time!
Always late lately. But better late than never, hey? This is what I wore to go and see Barbie at the cinema. I wanted to dress up, but was also not feeling 100% so made an effort on my clothes, but no makeup. That may have been a good idea because, like many others, I did get a bit teary watching the movie. This dress from Little Party Dress has always given me Barbie vibes. I love the print of it so much I have it in two different styles of dresses. I originally styled it differently (below & last image) but realised I didn’t like how it was sitting,…
Life Lately
Stealing this idea from Louise of Polka Spots and Freckle Dots and doing a ‘Life Lately’ post. Visiting I traveled down to Sydney in April to visit family. It marked 2 years since my Sister and Mother passed. It’s hard to believe it’s been 2 years. It was amazing to see family and get to spend time with my Dad. I was only there a short time, but it was good for my soul. Feeling Sick! Ugh, I thought I was just having a bad reaction to the Ozempic I started taking for my diabetes, but turns out I have gastro
It’s been hell. My mental health has been…
Outfit – Peach PRC Concert
When I saw that Peach PRC was touring, I messaged my boyfriend asking if he wanted to tag along to a concert with me. He’d heard a few Peach PRC songs and didn’t mind them, so said yep. Seeing as he’s a musician he does have a wide range of music tastes and was happy to get out to a gig. Now, I had been sick (whats new) and was debating if I was even well enough to go, but I’m so glad I pushed through. We arrived and had to wait in line for a while. The concert was held at The Triffid. I’d never been before but it’s…
It’s been a while since I’ve done a lustlist. That doesn’t mean that I haven’t had a lot of things I’ve been wanting. With my birthday around the corner (June 7th) I figured it wouldn’t hurt to do one of these in case anyone wants to spoil me with some presents! CAKEWORTHY via TRUFFLESHUFFLE – The Little Mermaid Ursula Mesh Top – £32.99 || This top isn’t even out yet, but I NEED IT! I live in mesh tees at work, whenever one comes in, i’m like “you’re coming home with me”. So the fact its mesh and Ursula, it’s like it was made for me. REGAL ROSE – Aphrodire Opal…
Dangerfield Work Fits!
I sometimes make the effort to get some good proper images of work outfits (For example here) but other times, it’s just a quick snap in the work changerooms! I thought I’d share a few from the past few months. Of course, all clothing is from Dangerfield. If you have questions about anything specific, ask away! Do you have a favourite out of the above?