I’m a visual creature, I think it goes along with being a graphic/web designer, not to mention a blogger. I know i’m drawn to certain things and for me, there isn’t much better then when a company has great branding, that then gets taken further, to amazing packaging. When I opened the mail today to this envelope, I just had to post about it. Glossy black on matte black, perfection!
I love UNIF, if you hadn’t noticed already. My hellraisers are my favourite shoes and I’m hoping some day in the future to buy them in another colour. I first noticed UNIF after falling in love with the ‘Jesus Saves, I spend’ shirt, but I never picked up anything from them until my Hellraisers.
They don’t cater to plus sizes, but the tees go up to an XL, which I’m pretty sure would fit someone of my size. When they released the sticker pack, I snapped a pack up right away, along with a ‘Suck my Richard’ patch.