
Quick Pics – December Instagram

Yep, it’s been a month, so it’s time to show off the last months selection of instagram snaps. If you want to follow me on instagram, please do, @natatree

My 3 Christmas Trees. | Sydney Harbour Bridge on a cloudy day. | My view from the hotel in the city, the rain made the building disappear! | I wanted to take home the doona cover from the hotel, I love b&w stripes, they remind me of beetlejuice. | My room service dinner of steak. | My room service breakfast that was soooo good. | Shine by three, The Sydney Girl & Little Black Book at the Sydney Blogger Relations Forum. | Newly coloured hair & Toxic Injection necklace. | Mr Frodo = Sleepy.

Frodo snuggles. | Double rainbow? | Rainbows & Palm trees. | Dressed up for Christmas. | More Frodo snuggles. | Frodo again, noticing a pattern? | Charlie, my sisters dog. | This photo amused me, taken at exactly the same time Charlie decided to pounce on me & cover me in kisses, eugh. | Amusing & lovely convo’s with ‘special’ friends.

Uh, more frodo hugs? | Books, books & more books. | Frodo & I in bed. | Frodo loved his new Christmas present, even if it’s half the size of him. | My parents dog Emily in the car, she always manages to look arrogant. | The view from the car on the way to Greenwell Point. | Emily guarding the door. | And the last two are, yet again, of my handsome little man beast.