Outfit – Whizz, Pow, Zip!
I remember this dress being a HUGE hit when it was released many years ago, the first batch sold out within 24 hours! You can see me wearing it as a top here. I decided to pull it out to wear today. I’ve been under the weather the last few weeks, but i’ve been feeling better these past few days, enough to rock some bodycon with a bit of VBO! Black really is a forgiving colour, isn’t it?
Bringing some extra colour in with this longline cardi I picked up from Rockmans last year. I’m not usually a fan of green, but this limey chartreuse yellow/green is a fave of mine. It’s funny how you can dislike most shades of one colour, but love one other shade.
Excuse the hair! I’m trying to fade the colour out as much as possible before I dye my re-growth and play with some colours to celebrate my 30th birthday coming up. I’m thinking a rainbow sand art type of colour. Something I wish Guy Tang would do to my hair, hey a girl can dream!
Can you notice something different about my face? Yes, I have officially retired my lip rings! I will miss them but I’ve been considering getting rid of them for awhile, it was just sentimentality that kept them so long. My grandmother paid for me to get one set done. I’ve had them for around 10 years now, it was time to say goodbye. It’s harder to see, but I still have my septum ring in.
Dress – New Look || Cardigan – Rockmans || Shoes – Payless Shoes
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