XL in Tasmania – Seals!
Animals are everything to me, I love them all, and i’m pretty certain I like them more then most humans. So, i’m always excited when I get to see animals, especially ones that you don’t see all that often, especially ones in the wild. I didn’t know what to expect as far as animals in Hobart, but I wasn’t disappointed!
I arrived in Hobart late Sunday night, and the next day, took a walk from where I was staying to Salamanca. On the walk back along the piers, I saw a crowd of people hanging around one of the floating food vessels.
Turns out, a seal had come through the boating entry and was hanging around for some food! The staff of the boat happily gave him some off cuts and he had fun throwing it around and ripping it apart.
It was amazing seeing one so randomly and SO close, he wasn’t scared at all. Apparently he’s a regular! It was also fascinating to see how he would slam the fish into the water to break it apart.
He would dive deep in the water, and you couldn’t see him, then he’d pop up somewhere else. He was doing some rolls and floating on his back, being SUPER cute. I think he loved the attention. I stayed and watched for an hour.
The second time I got to see them was when I went on a Tasman Island Cruises. They often see many animals on this cruise, and were hoping for whales, but honestly, I was just stoked to see more seals (& an albatross!!)
We got to see Australian Fur Seals, as well as New Zealand Fur Seals, but I don’t remember which ones were which. It’s quite outstanding how far they’d make it up the rocks, and the sounds they make, oh so cute! They were rather inquisitive too, some even taking to the water to come check out the boat!
A mum & her pup!
A bit further away were the males, a whole heap of them, lazing around. I’m happy to say that my nose was rather blocked, because from what i’m told, they can get a tad smelly at times!
A few perked up at the sound of the boat, then were kind of like “oh, it’s just you again” and returned to rest. Except a few sassy seals who TOTALLY posed it up! I mean, look at the dude above, you know he’s being all “B*tch, i’m fabulous”.
What’s the most exciting animal you’ve seen in the wild?