Everyday,  Outfits

Life Lately – January Musings


This really seems to be my ‘go to’ outfit lately. Top, skater skirt, boots. Though as it’s been warmer I’ve been switching to sandals. The weather has been crazy, from 38°c one day, 25°c the next. Today it was raining. Melbourne had a bit of a heat wave a week ago, a few consecutive days over 40! I was thankful I was home in Sydney in my air con, but I’m flying down to Melbourne on Thursday and well, my friends house doesn’t have air con. I’m praying the weather stays tolerable.

Skirt – ASOS | Top – City Chic | Belt – Dorothy Perkins | Boots – Betts | Bag – Kmart


 Tonka has always been a bit of a clingy loving cat, but since Frodo passed away, he’s even more so. This was how I woke up the other morning. I don’t know how he manages to get into some of the positions I find him in, without waking me up! I find my grief comes in waves, sometimes I’m at peace with it, other times I just sit and bawl my eyes out.


 Can you tell I love this skirt!? I’ve been trying to save my money, as most of it has been going towards plane tickets, but I’m so glad I bought this skirt. I’m so tempted to get it in the black too, i’m not-so-secretly hoping it drops down in price more, like the blue did.

I’m a little bit behind on my blogging schedule. I have a Darling Den update coming up soon, but otherwise I’ve been feeling a bit sorry for myself and lazing around due to an epic 10 day period. I don’t tend to get cranky PMS, I get depressed. Sometimes I think I’d rather turn into a mega bitch!

What’s new with you?