

Life is just weird. I can’t really describe how I’m feeling about it at the moment, so here is a list form of some things that has been happening as of late.

– Being super super amazingly excited about The Hobbit. Watching the red carpet premiere online and being very emotional. I may have cried. Then being frustrated because Australia isn’t releasing it until boxing day. WHAT! I was even considering flying over to New Zealand on the 13th for a midnight screening… if I won the lottery.

– Babysitting my youngest niece & nephew. Watching them play on the awesome play equipment and wishing I could get on and play with them too. Stupid rules. Also running into one of my other nieces after seeing my psych yesterday.

– Weekly visits to the vet. Mr Frodo is having injections once a week for four weeks, due to his arthritis. He’s also been put on a diet. He lost .5kg in the first week. I took Tonka for his first check up, and apart from his teeth, he’s in great shape. He goes in this week to get tested for feline aids. Fingers crossed he’s fine.

– Working on things behind the scenes, for the blog. Brain storming some awesome ideas.

– Unpacking. It’s crazy. I’ve run out of space to unpack so I need to go and buy some more furniture. I have so much stuff. I don’t like getting rid of stuff, but I’ve been doing a fair amount of culling. I have two huge boxes full of washing I need to do. I love finding things I’ve forgoten about, the memories, oh & $100 in an old Christmas card!

– Having fun playing with my wigs.

– Rollercoastering with my mental health. So much so I missed out on the amazing PSFWA weekend with some amazing bloggers, who I adore! 2nd year in a row. Last year I was in hospital. Seeing my psych fortnightly (another money worry, $140 a visit, but that’s only until the new year thankfully). Yesterday we worked on my panic attacks, which him triggering them on me. I left feeling very emotional and sweaty. How horrible are cold sweats, seriously!?

– Participating in Fox in Flats #DAREcember challenge.

– Stressing about money. I know I just need to relax, I’m nowhere near as bad as so many people, but it seems I’ve come to stress about money. I’ve never been in debt, the most i’ve ever owed someone is $50. Right now, I’m paying off my laptop, and I have to pay money back for the trip I’m going on with my sister in February. Turns out, I don’t like owing people money, it stresses me.

– Wishing and hoping and thinking and praying, planning and dreaming…