
Quick Pics

Shopping haul from the other day! Jewel necklaces, kitty ears and teeny kitty studs from Diva, bangles from Lovisa, and the silver circle necklace and skull earrings are from sportsgirl. I bought everything on sale!

Sushi! I love sushi! My favourite is cooked tuna and avocado. I miss this place in Adelaide that made pumpkin sushi. SO GOOD!

A couple of webcam pictures. Kitty ears & kitty love!

Tonka keeps stealing Emily’s beds! This is when I spent a few days at #thedarlingden, he’d either be cuddled up next to Frodo, watching the backyard from the kitchen door, or in Emily’s bed!

Whilst cleaning out one of my closets (which was my nans), we stumbled across some old things. This was my great-grandfathers certificate of honourable discharge from WWI. It’s stamped and dated 1919!

These are old paintings of my Great Grandfather & his brother, from back around that time. They are rather large, about 50cm in length, so amazing to see!