
Quick Pics

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Quick Pics post, mostly I think because Instagram covers that. However, here are a few images I’ve taken on my camera as of late that i’ve not posted. Tonka has been having little excursions outside with me whilst I do things (Take outfit photos, hang up washing, etc) and he’s been loving it. He’s been very curious over the pool.

I quickly snapped the picture of me in the mirror the other day in between moving some boxes at the new house. Why yes, I did get my hair cut.

Frodo is not a fan of having his photo taken, so they are often covert shots 😛

Tonka has settled in so well. He certainly drives me batty sometimes, he is so loud, he walks around meowing nearly all the time. Of a night, in bed, if I roll over, I often get a grumpy “mrrrwmph” sound! He’s gorgeous though and even my parents are in love with him!

Cat yawns are one of life’s simple pleasures. As you can also see, Frodo and Tonka are now BFFs.

Forcing Mr Frodo into a photo, you can see he’s not all too happy about it! And a picture I took of a bee the other day.

Staring at me in bed.

Also, head over to Suger Coat it and read her recent article “Break the Rules – 5 rules for out the box style“. It’s a great article and not just because she featured a picture of me in it 😛