
OOTD – Comfort

Today Frodo seems to be much more himself, so much so, I even got the chance to duck outside quickly to take some outfit pictures without him crying. Of course, he’s now curled up on my lap, but he’s certainly making progress.

Between my boot & having to carry Frodo around, my clothing has been all about comfort, not to mention, it’s been rather hot here the past couple of days. I do not understand what’s up with the weather as of late. You can’t see it, but i’ve added some iridescent tinsel to the sides of the boot. These creepers, I picked up on sale from Rubi Shoes, are the closest things I have at the moment to the same height of the boot.

  • TOP – c/o 17 Sundays (Seriously, THE MOST comfy top)
  • SKIRT – City Chic
  • CREEPER – Rubi Shoes
  • BANGLES – Assorted City Chic, Autograph & Cotton On.

Shoes, and Mr Frodo’s tongue. I’m sorry, I found that picture amusing, I just had to share it!

And a slightly top blurry photo of my face, but I kind of like it anyway! My hair is in one of those transition periods. I’m slowly letting the dye fade so I can change it up a little.