
OOTD – A bright Fathers Day!

Last Sunday was Fathers Day here in Australia. This is the first Fathers Day i’ve had with my Dad in a few years as I was in New Zealand the year before, and living in a different state the years before that. It was nice getting up and giving Dad his cards and presents, and then spending the day with him. Even if he wouldn’t wear the badge that came on his card!

It was a pretty laid back day, we ended up going to the cinema and seeing ‘The Bourne Legacy. It was a really good movie, but I’m not sure it’s great seeing Jeremey Renner as the main character in a movie at the cinemas. I think there may have been drool.

So, how AMAZING is this jacket? Even my Mum loves it. When I first saw preview pictures of it, I knew it had to be mine. I honestly was expecting to not be able to afford it, but when it went up on pre-sale I snapped it up. Thank you Cult of California, I LOVE YOU!

Seeing we were going to the movies, I just wanted to wear something comfortable. If you hadn’t noticed, I reallllly love orange and pink together, I think it’s one of my favourite colour combos.

JACKET: Cult of California | SHEER TOP: SUPRE | SINGLET: TARGET | JEGGINGS: Crossroads | SHOES: A store in NZ.

What is your favourite colour combo?