
Aussie Curves – Sparkle

This weeks Aussie Curves turned out to be a bit of a failure for me. We got the keys to our new place on Friday and have been going back and forth between houses taking bits and pieces, measuring & trying to figure where to put things. I tried taking my pictures Sunday afternoon, but the sun, the sparkles and the pool didn’t seem to mix well and most of my photos didn’t focus properly. Boo!

So, this week, your stuck with a picture of my amazing sequined jacket I got a couple of months ago from Crossroads, my tunic is over a year old and also from Crossroads. I picked up these shoes last week at Fashion Night Out. They are from Wanted and I got them for 20% off. They reminded me of a very much lusted after pair of Melissa shoes I want, but can’t afford.

Frodo decided to try on the look too. He’s a plus size male, and Australian, so he fits a few of the criteria. Ever since his last operation, he’s put on so much weight. Once we move we are going to take him to another vet for a 2nd opinion, see if there is anything else that can help him. The weight certainly isn’t helping his leg or his arthritis, but he doesn’t want to walk and he’s on a pretty good diet.

Obviously modelling is hard work!!