- I met with my new psychologist yesterday, she specializes in Borderline Personality Disorder, and i’m quite hopeful. She’s already given me homework and given me a few things to think about. I’ve not been doing too well mentally the past few weeks, but the main point is I’m still going. I’m still fighting.
- I need to go and see Breaking Dawn. I actually re-opened Twilight Australia recently, I feel like I should go and see the movie. If only for the Jasper screen time.
- I’m not a fan of Terry Richardson, but I LOVE Lady Gaga, so I really want THIS book. I also love THIS vest. I’m trying to save money at the moment, but I’m SO tempted.

- Frodo loves my new coverlet. One of the things i’m enjoying about being single is I can have pink bedding, pink leopard bedding!
- I’ve watched Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows twice in the past week and I cried watching it both times.
- I’m super excited to see The Hunger Games!
- I’ve been having lots of fun blogging over at my shoe blog Oh my gosh, shoes!
- Now, im going to go curl up on the couch and watch ‘The Girl who came late’. I FINALLY found it on DVD, silly thing is, I had it taped off the TV on VHS from many years ago, and it was titled ‘Daydream Believer’. It’s an odd movie, but I love it. I also picked up ‘Me Without You’, another fave of mine I had on VHS.