
Happy Valentines Day & New Hair!

Happy Valentines Day!

These gorgeous flowers arrived for me today from my wonderful friend Zoe! Aren’t they beautiful! Not as beautiful as Zoe though! I love them, just as I love Zoe! Gerbra’s are one of my favourite flowers! This bunch is just so bright and colourful it makes me smile!

They now have pride of place on my dining room table! Can you tell I like owls? 😀

Adam & I don’t usually do too much for Valentines Day. We were going to celebrate on Friday past, but I was sick. We exchanged gifts though and Adam picked me up Kingdom Hearts on DS! Love it! I’ve been wanting it for ages!!

As you can see, I’ve changed hair colours (yet again). Recently when I was sick my hair just went crazy. It just started feeling icky & falling out, so I decided to give it a break from the bleach for a while and dyed it a ‘normal’ colour. It’s feeling a lot better but i’m not too fond on it. I think it’s a little light for me. I plan to add some darker colour around my face & brighten it up by putting in some bright fudge slices.