
Frodo – Operation time!

Sorry about the lack of posting. I’ve been trying to spend some time with my little man before he went in for his operation. I’ve been so anxious, I still am actually!

We dropped Frodo off at the vet yesterday (September 15th 2010) morning between 8 & 9. It was so hard leaving me, but after I walked out of the vets he turned and walked away happily with the lady.

4:30pm came & I hadn’t received a call, so I gave the hospital a call. He was still in surgery. Around half and hour later the Vet who performed the surgery gave me a call. The operation went well, the knee was a lot worse then they expected.

8am this morning, I got a call with updates. He was doing well, anxious & hungry but okay. He could be picked up after to 6pm. I booked an appointment for 6:30pm so I could pick him up.

After paying the bill (Just under $1500) I was allowed in to see Frodo & talk to the vet. Frodo was super happy to see me, but wouldn’t stop crying. He’s not allowed to walk for 4 weeks, he’s only allowed out to pee whilst on a lead & only for minimal time. He currently has a morphine patch that works the same as a nicotine patch, as well as a syrup he has to have once a day.

He keeps crying. It took awhile for us to calm him down once we got home. Ginny doesn’t like the cone on him. I’ve finally got him laying down next to me. It’s so hard to see him in pain. It’s going to be a long few months!

Thanks to everyone for there support! He goes back to the vet on Sunday.