• Personal

    Musings on Life.

    No doubt with everything that’s happened to me the past few months has me feeling like i’m living in a different universe.  Sugars recent blog just got me thinking even more. So many people have a set plan for life. They are going to go to school, get a specific job, find a partner, get married, buy a house, have kids. For me, my ultimate goal is to find happiness. A general middle ground of feeling safe, loved and content. I think with my mental health, I just focus on the main goal. I sometimes find it hard to open up, to talk about things & also how much to share on…

  • Everyday

    Home again, home again.

    I’m back home in Sydney, amongst my boxes of stuff, still not fully unpacked from my move. Frodo was beyond happy to have me back & has been trying to catch up on all the kisses he’s missed. Truth is, my world is upside down. I feel like i’m in this numb sort of limbo, not knowing what comes next. I guess that’s life though. I still don’t know what I want from it, other then ‘to be happy‘. My life is completely different to the one I had 6 months ago. Sometimes I sit and think ‘What have I got myself into?‘. But at the end of the day, i’m happier then i’ve…

  • Everyday,  Travel

    My life, Melbourne & food talk!

    Thinking too much. About everything. It’s funny, when I left Adam, I took the time to re-evaluate everything. My life, what I wanted & bam, just a few weeks after that, here I am again. Working at the convention on Saturday (Photo by Davby) Sore. My back is killing me again. After working the convention on Saturday & then flying, Sunday morning my legs had gave way again and I wasn’t able to walk properly. So no convention for me on Sunday. I spent the majority of the day in bed sleeping at the hotel. In Melbourne! Yep, I’m in Melbourne until the 26th. Finally have the chance to stay…

  • Personal

    Of life, death & blogging. (May be triggering)

    I often struggle with how much to share on my blog. Everyone has their own idea on what should & shouldn’t be shared. It’s a fine line that I worry about crossing. But why? Isn’t this MY blog? I started this blog for me & it’s grown into what it is today, and I love it. I know I have a mind that over analises things. But I’m an honest person, so why can’t I be honest on my blog when I want to? I guess the main reason is, that I’m scared. The blogging world, while lovely, can be harsh. Owls of Happiness, my friend Lou gave me. They…