• Food

    Food – The Black Toro – Glen Waverley

    Oh hey! Long time no see! I will probably have a post soon enough to try and explain my absence, but for now, I’m here to talk food. Yummy, delicious food. On Christmas Eve I had the pleasure of going out to dinner at The Black Toro. As described by them, a “Hispanic cuisine reworked to a modern Australian palate” The food was simply superb! I find it hard to choose a favourite. The mixture of taste and texture in the beetroot dish was fantastic. I could eat the trout every day. If I HAD to choose though, I  think the lamb would be it. It was so tender and tasty,…

  • Event,  Everyday,  Travel

    White Night Ballarat

    On Saturday, I headed into Ballarat for the first time in around 20 years. The trip was a lot easier than expected, I just had to make my way into Southern Cross station and jump on the V-Line. My everyday Myki card works for the trip and ended up only costing like $6 (each way). I had never been on a V-Line train and I was impressed. It was super comfortable and quite spacious with fold down tray tables and toilets in every carriage. It took around an hour and a half to get to Ballarat. We strolled around the streets a little and stopped by an Irish Pub before heading to…

  • Everyday,  Food,  Travel

    Where to eat in Ballarat – Meigas – The best Tapas I’ve ever had!

    When my BFF and I found out that Ballarat was hosting it’s own White Night (more on that later), we decided to head out country for the night and experience what Ballarat had to offer. We booked an Air BnB and asked the host where they would recommend to eat. We decided on Meigas, a Spanish Resturant with some outstanding looking Tapas. We chose the ‘Feed Me’ option, which basically meant they would keep bringing out plates until you told them to stop. I didn’t take pictures of all the dishes, these are only a handful of, gees, around 13 or 14. We got to a point where we were…

  • Event,  Everyday

    Melbourne Roller Derby

    When I was down in Melbourne, a couple of awesome friends invited me to come along and see a Roller Derby match. I jumped at the chance. Apart from watching ‘Whip it’ years ago, I didn’t know anything really about Roller Derby. A few people I knew when I was in Adelaide had joined teams, but being such a recluse at that time, I never went to see any games. I’m SO GLAD I went though, cause it’s pretty amazing! I didn’t really understand anything until part way through the 2nd game, even after being given a pamphlet will all the info on it. While it’s a very stop &…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    Making the move to Melbourne!

    Well, I’m back in Sydney, back to #thedarlingden and today I’ve been re-united with my kitty cat. I flew back in on Wednesday & made the guy sitting next to me & the stewardess laugh at me on the plane by getting super excited about seeing snow. If you follow me on some of my social media channels, you probably already know, but… I’m moving to Melbourne! The past 8 weeks in Melbourne has pretty amazing. It’s a place I feel comfortable and accepted. A place where I feel I can be myself and not be judged. I felt more relaxed and at ease. I loved getting out and exploring.…