• Event,  Fashion

    Curvy Couture Roadshow – Part 2 #ccr2015

    Beyond the Sea Beyond the Sea showcased a range of one piece swimmers. Whilst I kind of wished for a bikini, they certainly had the vintage swimmer vibe down pat. This black, white & red above was my favourite. Hope & Harvest Hope & Harvest nailed it! Military is in this season and the collection shown was full of earth tones, prints and the most amazing anorak! Nyata Nyata hold my heart for flowing sequin numbers. I’ve been lusting after their designs for a while and have showcased them on the blog a few times. Seeing the items in person did not disappoint and only made me lust after them…

  • Event,  Fashion

    Curvy Couture Roadshow – Behind the Scenes #ccr2015

    I’m currently sorting through all the photos I took on the weekend, all 1200+ of them! I had such a great time at the Curvy Couture Roadshow. To start off though, I thought i’d share a few behind the scenes snap from the day of the show. While the runway didn’t start until 8pm, the models were at the venue bright and early to get hair and make up done, as well as any last minute fittings. Above you can see Kobi’s finished make up look. I was super excited to see these Sonsee crop tops, which you will be seeing more of soon. I for one vote they actually…

  • Fashion,  Lustlist

    Curvy Couture Roadshow – My Lustlist!

    There was so many amazing things at Curvy Couture Roadshow, I honestly felt a little overwhelmed. The fact that i’m super broke (& failing at saving) didn’t help the fact either. There was at least one thing I could have happily walked away with from every designer, but I thought i’d share my absolute favourites with you. Above, is the most amazing dress from Marji & Jean, and if it had been in my size, it would have come home with me. Sadly, it was a size 18. PINK WATERMELONS! LA Afterglow tee in 2 colourways – $59.95 | Take me away jacket – $149 | Jersey Slouch Pants – $59.95 17 Sundays! I’ve been lusting after these items…

  • Event,  Fashion

    Curvy Couture Roadshow – Random Snaps

    I didn’t take too many random snaps during the day, trying to save camera battery, but I did take a few. So i’ve decided to round them all up into this post. Above was the gorgoues print selection on dresses by Marji & Jean. Ashley is super adorable eatting her fairy floss! It matched her outfit perfectly. It was the first time I got to meet Ashley, as well as Liv. It’s nice to get to meet people that you know from online. I still need to work on not being so shy, but I think I did okay! Ahhh, behind the scenes of Outfit photos!! I always find it…

  • Event,  Fashion,  Plus Positivity

    Curvy Couture Roadshow – The Runway

    Show 1 – Beachwear & Contemporary Robyn Lawley Swimwear |  Beyond the Sea Swimwear | Meri by Design | Lucabella I learnt a couple of things at the CCR, and one of those is, make sure your camera batteries are all charged, and even if they are, bring the charger along anyway. I arrived on the day with 2 battery packs, and as the catwalk started, the first set died. Cue me running off to the media room to try and dig out my other battery pack. Sigh. So I missed out on seeing a few of these. Show 2 – Contemporary 17 Sundays | Harlow | Embody Denim | Christine Kardashian I have much love for all…