• Everyday,  Outfits

    Outfit – Stars and Pinks Stockings – Melbourne Museum

    Oh hey, look, it’s an actual outfit post! It’s been a bit, I know. Sadly, my camera is broken and I can get it to work if it’s zoomed out, but it won’t focus. I also can’t afford a new camera, so it may be a while before I have good quality outfit pictures. Sorry! Anyway, on Monday, I headed into the city to meet my long time online buddy Lucy. I met up with Lucy, her husband, daughter and later, her brother at Naked for Satan. I adore Naked for Satan (I went there for my 30th birthday!) and I got to sit on the outside balcony for the…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Outfit – Grungy Grey Chic

    In Melbourne, you wear layers. It’s something I’m still learning. The mix of this hi-low dress and my oversized chambray jacket made me feel very 90’s grunge. Even more so when I added in my headphones. When I go and see my psych, I like to be comfortable. There is a 90% chance i’m going to cry, so I always go make up free. I’m so glad I found a psych I like here in Melbourne, even if it is an hour journey each way to see him. My mental health has been pretty horrid lately, so i’m on a fortnightly schedule. It’d be weekly if I could afford it.…

  • Fashion,  In The Dressing Room

    In the dressing room! Crossroads edition.

    It’s been a while since I’ve done an “in the dressing room” post. I’ve been in a bit of a fashion rut again and am unsure about my style. I go through these periods now and then where I question what I actually like, and what I feel is pushed upon me by designers/stores/advertising/what fat women should or shouldn’t wear etc. This is something that pushes me a little out of my comfort zone of what I normally wear, but OH MY GOSH, it was so comfortable, it felt like I was wearing pyjamas. First up, this top. THIS TOP. It is made out of the softest most beautiful material, it’s…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Outfit – Mustard & Lemons! Nyata & Crossroads!

    This outfit is something different for me. These are colours that I don’t usually wear. Sure, I have my lemon print dress and I do love yellow, but generally I shy away from a lot of yellow/orange/greens/browns. I really love how this outfit turned out though. I wore it out to dinner and was super comfortable the whole evening. Nyata are amazing. I’ve been lucky to see their designs numerous times, but sadly, I don’t often have the money to be able to purchase them. Something I wish I could do more is supporting smaller Australian businesses. Nyata is Australian owned but manufactured in Indonesia. They offer smaller runs on…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Outfit – When life gives you lemons, wear them!

    If you follow me on social media, you may remember me going on about this dress aaaages ago. I found it online at Crossroads and just loved the print. I love a good lemon tree/ orange tree/ palm leaf print. By the time I finally left the house to go into a store to try it on, I was worried there wouldn’t be any left. I was lucky and they had the dress in my size, as well as a top in the matching print, so I put them on layby! That was over a month ago, in fact, that was last year! I finally got the layby out last…