• Fashion,  Outfits

    Aussie Curves – Yellow

    A year ago, I had one item of yellow in my wardrobe. Actually, here I am a year ago, wearing that item of yellow! But now, after the last season i’ve got many more options when it comes to yellow. Dresses, a shirt, a cardigan and LOTS of jewellery. I went crazy with the neon jewellery trend. However, I wanted to keep it a little more simple this week & show off one of my favourite dresses. I’m a HUGE lover of all the skater style dresses City Chic comes out with. I have 3, and although I wish I had the money to collect them all, I eagerly await the sales…

  • Outfits

    OOTD – Park Shenanigans!

    Surprise visits from high school friends are awesome. In high school my best friend was another Natalie, not only did we share the same first name, we shared the same last initial, it got confusing at times. She came over for the day to see me, or course, but to also say goodbye to the old house. We spent many nights talking about boys, swimming in the pool, dressing up in crazy clothes and singing The Spice Girls. We headed to the park, where we also spent lots of time, and Nat took some outfit pics for me! Thanks Nat! Swings are not easy in pencil skirts and sandals, but…

  • Outfits

    Aussie Curves – Knits

    This post nearly didn’t happen, but I really don’t like missing out on Aussie Curves! Looking over my pile of clothes that I haven’t packed to go to the new place, I was pretty sure I had no knitwear, that was until I remembered I had my all time favourite jumper on the clothes line! Sure, it’s daggy, it’s a few sizes to big & it’s over 10 years old now, but makes me love it more. I bought it from a discount reject shop type store for around $10. In my teens I was obsessed with the UK and would buy up anything with the Union Jack on it.…

  • Outfits

    OOTD – 5 minute fashion.

    I’m a fan of dresses that you just throw on and ta-da, you are ready. Sure, it sometimes feels like cheating, not having to ‘put together’ an outfit, but some days, you just need to have an item of clothing you can put on in a rush and know that you look presentable. This is my current go to dress & can you believe I picked it up on sale for $10! I usually wear it with a belt, but yesterday I paired it with a think pink ribbon. Now I look at the pictures, I think I like wearing it with a belt better, but hey, we live and…

  • Outfits

    New Year, New Outfit!

    Sorry for the brief disappearance, I took a well needed break away from everyday life. It’s amazing how reliant I’ve become on the internet. The first day with hardly any reception left me feeling rather anxious. After 10 days, I came home & wish I hadn’t. Real life, pfft, why can’t I hang by the lake, or the beach or stroll beautiful gardens all the time? Maybe i’ll have to look into moving! I hope you all had an amazing New Years, I spent NYE with one of my best friends from High School, having a few drinks & watching fire works. It was rather pleasant. At Greenwell Point one of the things…