• Travel

    Aitutaki – The Vaka Cruise – Part One

    I usually don’t do very picture heavy posts, but I find that when it comes to going through my pictures from Aitutaki, that I just can’t seem to cull them down. As it is, i’m trying to keep posts to around 10 pictures, and then splitting them into 2 parts for those larger days. Day 4 on the island saw us go on the Vaka Cruise. This took us out on the lagoon visiting some snorkeling hot spots, and a couple of islands, finishing on One Foot Island. The trip was 6 hours, included lunch & cost $99nz, which I thought was a pretty good price. Clam! There is something just so…

  • Everyday,  Travel

    Aitutaki – Day 1 & 2

    I like flying, for some reason, it’s something I really enjoy and something I miss, so I was actually rather excited about going on my longest plane flight. It took around 6 hours to fly from Sydney to Rarotonga, and while I usually sleep no problems on planes I didn’t sleep at all. I did get to watch 2 movies though. We flew over the international date line, so I can now add ‘time traveler’ to my resume. The first thing I noticed once getting off the plane at Raro was that it was humid. The air was fresh but it felt like I was breating in clouds. Then I looked…

  • Everyday

    I’m back! (Vision Direct Competition Winner)

    I’m back from Aitutaki! I got in early Friday morning and i’m still trying to settle back into my old routine. I miss the island so very much! I have so much to update you all on, the animals, the scenery, my hospital visit! I’m still trying to get it all together into a somewhat sorted way. Is there anything you’d like to know in particular? Also, I’ve drawn the winner for the $150 Vision Direct voucher, and the winner is Connie Helen Neesham. You’ve been sent an email, so make sure you reply!

  • Everyday,  Personal

    Adventure time!

    I think it really hit me yesterday, that I’m going to be spending 2 weeks on an island in the middle of the ocean. 2 weeks, on an island, where all I can see is sea. With little internet access. Que me freaking out a little. I know i’ll be okay, when I visit my parents holiday place I have hardly any internet access. I tend to just relax, read, and nap a lot. I know i’m slightly addicted to the internet, to social media, to being connected, and I know this will probably stress me at times, but I can do it. Though, I am still going to be…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    A post is which I ramble about stuff.

    Sometimes I worry if I share too much on my blog, I don’t share it all, it’s only the tip of the iceberg  but being so open on the internet can be hard. Blogging about fashion is easy, blogging about body acceptance comes natural to me, but being open and sharing stuff about my mental health can be hard. What if it puts people off? What if it jeoperdises working with a brand in the future? Then I remember, this is MY blog, and everybody has problems. My life is in scrambles at the moment. I don’t know which was is up and I feel so tired. Half my stuff is…