Everyday,  Personal,  Travel

A Melbourne Love Affair


I’ve visited Melbourne many times in the past, and I always enjoyed it, but this past 2 weeks it seemed that Melbourne managed to carve “I LOVE MELBOURNE” in to my heart.

I’m back in Sydney, and coming down from the highs and lows of the holiday. I managed to get sick by the second week and had to cancel a few of my plans. My body wasn’t quite used to Melbourne weather (the first thing I bought was an Umbrella!) and I turned into a grumpy snot making machine. Oh, and on the flight home, my luggage got lost! Luckily it was later found and delivered to me, though my suitcase is DEAD.

Melbourne’s architecture is just so beautiful. I could have happily just walked around taking pictures of old buildings and ALL the street art. They have so many random sculptures and art installations.

The transport is great! I actually managed to catch a bus, a train & a tram. The whole bus thing was big for me, as I get really bad anxiety on buses. The hotel I stayed at was in a great position, but I’m pretty sure the bed was made of stone.


The food! Good lord THE FOOD! I tried Ramen for the first time & my man friend taught me how to use chopsticks. I had some amazing crepes at Roule Galette, and of course managed to drop by Lord of the Fries.

My favourite by far was the dinner I had at Cumulus. Serious NOMS! I’m a huge oyster fan, and having a range of different fresh oysters was such an interesting experience. You don’t realise how oysters from different areas can taste so different.


If you’re ever in Melbourne, you HAVE TO stop by Chokolait. Best Hot Chocolate EVER. I was a bit of a skeptic at first, you know, hot chocolate is hot chocolate, but nope, this was heaven in a glass!

Surprise, Surprise, I didn’t actually do a lot of shopping! Well, I window shopped, but I only ended up buying a pair of shoes, a lipgloss and eyeliner! I was so tempted by many things though.

Sorry about the lack of posts! I hope to get back into normal scheduled posting soon! I can’t wait to tell you about The Blogcademy!

A couple of pictures of me, and of the crepes were taken by my buddy Sarah!