
Blogging Buddies – Ezmae, Jacqui & Kobi!


I’ve been following Ezmae online for agggges now,  so when she messages a group of Melbourne bloggers to see if they wanted to meet up, I jumped at the chance! I really love getting out and meeting other bloggers, it’s so nice to have conversations with people who understand what you’re talking about! I also got to meet Jacqui for the first time and spend more time talking with Kobi who I only briefly met at the Tess meet and great.

We met up at a place I’d never heard of called Section 8. It was pretty awesome and so Melbourne! It was made out of shipping containers and old packing creates and the likes, all open air and filled with gorgeous art/graffiti. We later moved on to E fifty 5, which had THE BEST $5 nacho pizza. I’m salivating just thinking about it!


Here I am, fiddling with Kobis camera as she took this photo with mine. I didn’t get any Outfit photos on the day, but in case you’re wondering, I’m wearing….

Wearing|| Singlet – Target (XL) | Lace top – City Chic (L) | Jacket –  Mika & Gala (14) | Jeans – ASOS (22) | Boots – Betts
Glasses – Versace | Earrigs – Capn Mueller | Large ring – Lovisa | Blue ring –

melbourne-blogers-002 Kobi & Jacqui had to leave, so Ezmae and I decided to do a spot of shopping. I admit, I was slightly drunk! I hardly ever drink, but ended up having a few ciders. We checked out H&M, Myers and hit up Chatime. I got a grape slushie with grape jelly. I had a weak spot for grape! Luckily, Ezmae was staying out with family who was on the same train line I live on, so we caught the train home together.
