Fashion,  Outfits

Outfit – She’s like a rainbow


The weather has been pretty marvelous here in Sydney the past few weeks, as long as you don’t think about the horrible bushfires. Warm, with a slight breeze. I’ve been spending a lot of time in the backyard enjoying the fresh air. So what better way to express the joy then to dress in bright colours!


My BFF Lou gave me this dress, I love the colours in it, it’s so vibrant. I feel so feminine and pretty when I wear it. It also works well with a petticoat underneath to give it extra oomph!


One thing I’ve been doing lately is wearing necklaces as belts! Usually you can easily join 2 necklaces together, which with then attach around your waist like a chain belt. Just for something different.


Dress – ASOS | Jacket – City Chic | Shoes – Some store in New Zealand
Belt – Made from Sportsgirl necklace | Eyeliner – Lime Crime


Also, I’ve been playing around with my layout, so if you see things changing a little bit, it’s oookay! 🙂