Everyday,  Personal

Welcome to my bed…

Slowly, but surely my room is coming together. Last month I gave you a look at my desk (See HERE), today, I’m giving you a squizzy into my bed cubby! Yes, you read right, I have a bed cubby!

You see, i’m living in the ‘rumpus’ room of the house. The games room, the entertainment room, whatever you like to call it. It’s pretty huge. But I still wanted a little privacy with my bed and dressing area. Oh, and I’m still a kid at heart, so the thought of having somewhat of a forte bed made me happy. The bed is squeezed in between the wall/bookcase and another set of bookcases.

The only way to get onto the bed is from the bottom, which my back isn’t too happy about at the moment. Also, the only time I make my bed is when I put clean sheets on it. /random fact.

So here it is! Yes, I like pillows. The one down the side is the newest addition & my back LOVES it. Thank you to whoever invented body pillows. And yes, that is a True Blood pillow case you spy. I also have a Snape one, but my niece stole it.

I love my Firefly/Serenity prints by Jason Palmer. I couldn’t choose between three (Mal, Kaylee & Wash), I ended up getting the Mal one and my friend James bought the Kaylee one for me. Yay! You may notice I still have quite the soft toy collection. I collect anything Owls & my Mum used to collect bears, so of course every now & then i’d fall in love with a bear I’d find.

Lots of books. I love to read, but I haven’t been doing too much lately and my book blog has been neglected. The pile next to my iPad are all books I have to read to review! Eek!

I really hate the exposed brick, I wish I was allowed to paint it. I still have a few things I want to do with my cubby. I want to replace that light with something prettier, I plan to put up some pretty decorative fairy lights and maybe some pretty buntings.

So, uh, what do you think!? 😛