
Quick Pics & a mini Frodo Update!

Nails! All my life I’ve chewed my nails. I’m trying desperately to get out of the habit. I keep telling myself, if I grow my nails, I can reward myself with nail polish & have pretty nails. These are how my nails have been painted the past week! I did them myself & I am quite proud! Nail polish is from Sportsgirl! Best nail polish ever!

Bored at the airport! Well, when you are waiting around for 4+ hours, in a near empty airport, what would you do!?

One of my family members took this photo. Makes me home sick! Above is all my nieces & nephews, not to mention my 2 great-nieces! I have a great-nephew on the way too!

Adam and I! <3

I really can’t wait until Frodo gets better, I love him, but I really do feel caged! My in-laws are coming over on Sunday, so I’m hoping to get out for a little while Adam doggy sits.

Speaking of Frodo, he’s doing very well! He’s been so happy since he got the stitches out! Today all he wanted to do was play fetch, which he is still not allowed to do! Around Wednesday I get to start taking him for short walks to build up his leg muscles! He’s going to enjoy that!