If you really knew me…
There has been a lot of these posts floating around the blogosphere, and seeing as I’m kind of in a blogging slump, with my head being caught up in unpacking and such, I thought I’d join in. You’d know that I feel most alive when I’m surrounded by nature and animals. That being said, I like to have the modernĀ conveniencesĀ of toilets, running water and internet. I’d love to just live in a beautiful house in the middle of a forest. You’d know that I don’t feel like ‘me’ without coloured hair. When I’ve tried going back to a more ‘natural’ colour, I get depressed. I tend to always go back…
Eclipse Q&A
I’m back home in Adelaide. I brought back a bad cold with me too! Argh, damn Sydney weather! Signed pass, inside the venue - the stage, Kristen & Taylor. To be honest, I was rather disappointed with this event. It was badly run and just chaos. I guess I’m used to the high caliber of the conventions I attend, but this was pretty crazy. The 30 minute Q&A actually was more like 15 minutes, the rest filled with clips. I found Kristen Stewart all sorts of adorable, I think it’s the fact that she is very awkward. She very much comes across as an introvert, just wanting to act. Taylor…
Dolly Magazine
What can I say, I am a little excited about it. A couple of months ago I was approached by ‘Dolly’ magazine to appear in an upcoming issue about Vampires. In case you didn’t know, I’m owner and founder of the biggest ‘Twilight Saga’ site in Australia. (Don’t judge me!) Anyway, it was published in this months issue.