Periods, Pregnancy, Polycystic Ovaries & Me.
PLEASE NOTE: The subject matter of this post may be distressing. It talks about miscarriage and fertility issues. Those, my dear readers are my ovaries. Never thought you’d see those things now would you!? These internal ultrasound images (yes, it was as unpleasant as it sounded) were taken in 2008. I’d just turned 22. It feels like SO much has changed since then, and it has, but it turns out, my body really IS changing. Periods. It’s something some girls look forward to, others dread. I of course was sure that I’d get them for the first time in the middle of my Science Class and would never live it…
Quick pics & some ramblings!
I’m working on 4 hours sleep in the last 40 odd hours. I’m hoping i’ll sleep soon but I’m so wound up & stressed that I can’t seem to relax. If all else fails, i’ll pullĀ Adam’s bean bag out into the garden tomorrow and nap in the open air (under shade of course, I burn with in minutes!). I cried so much today, it’s a mixture of things. I’m stressed about one of the design jobs I’m doing, I’m stressed about money. I’m depressed & frustrated about my mental illness, which is somewhat amusing. I want to study, but I need a steady job to pay for the studies, but…