• Fashion,  Outfits

    Aussie Curves – Second Hand

    First up, apologies. The photos are a little bright because I took the photos at 7am. I’m also looking a bit eh because I’ve been awake around 24 hours & I have the periods from hell. TMI? Sorry. Anyway, this weeks Aussie Curves theme is Second Hand. I honestly don’t have too many second hand things, so I searched through my wardrobe and came up with this dress!  I loved this dress when it was in store, but it’s not often I can afford to buy something full price at City Chic & it sadly, it never went on sale. Fast forward a few months and I found it on a…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Aussie Curves – Valentine’s Day

    Ahhh, Valentine’s day! My mind raced with all sorts of ideas for this weeks theme. I’ve been single for the last two valentines, and this year, while I’m not so single, I’ll be spending the day solo. Anyway, I decided to just put together an outfit of what I would wear, if I was spending the day with someone special! Red lace! Red is such a passionate colour, I went through a stage around 5 years ago that the only colours I had in my wardrobe were red & black. That was, until I dyed my hair pink. I love how red & black look together. I decided on a…

  • Outfits,  Personal

    Outfit – Mums Birthday Dinner

    Just a quick post! Wednesday was my Mothers birthday & to celebrate my Dad took her out to dinner, I of course, tagged along! I’ve actually been feeling a little under the weather, I’ve not been sleeping well since Frodo past and I seem to have a bit of allergies. So, please excuse the puffy eyes & no make up! Oh, and the photos were just quick snaps on my mobile.  This dress is one I picked up in the recent Black Friday sales in the US. The lovely Lucy let me add a couple of items to her Forever21+ order, and I am so glad I went with my gut instinct…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Aussie Curves – Leather

    This weeks Aussie Curves theme is “LEATHER”. I don’t really own many things that are real leather, I much prefer faux leather. The only item that I could think of that I knew 100% was leather are my UNIF hellraisers. So I decided to just do my outfit with faux leather / pleather. These stockings, along with another pair that i’ll show another time were sent to me from Donatellas. I love them, this is actually the 2nd time i’ve worn them. They are really comfortable. Take note of the sizing though, these are the XXXL and wouldn’t fit anyone with thighs much bigger then mine comfortably. I’m actually going…

  • Outfits

    OOTD: Print clashing layers!

    It’s not been since I worked at Conventions that i’d been up and dressed by 9am on a Sunday, but today, much to Mr Frodo’s displeasure I was up and out of the house by 8:50am! My parents and I were heading up to the base of the Blue Mountains. Knowing it gets colder (It was around 15°c) I figured i’d layer, layer, layer. I never feel I can do layers ‘right’, but seeing pictures on The Carpenters Daughter facebook always inspires me to try. LEGGINGS – Autograph (Not Seen) MAXI DRESS – Big W PINK SHEER LONG SHIRT – City Chic (On sale for $20 HERE!) BLACK LONG CARDI – Old, I think it’s…