Hair Care!
I’ve had a few people ask about my hair routine. What products I like, what do I use to dye it, how do I stop it from falling out, etc, so I figured i’d write up a post about it and share it with everyone. PLEASE NOTE – I’m not a hairdresser, nor have I had any sort of training. This is just what I do, and may not work for everyone. I shampoo and condition my hair once to twice a week. My hair tends to lean more towards the side of oily, luckily the bleach kind of levels it out. If it gets a little oily and lank,…
New hair colour!
While I love having the purple hair, I always feel like pink in my ‘natural’ colour. I decided I needed a little bit of a change, so I went on ebay to look around at what other hair dyes were available. I have a mixture of different brands I use. Fudge, Manic Panic & Special Effects are my main go to for bright colours. This time, I went for a new brand! La Riche Directions! It’s always a little nerve racking trying a new dye. I’d heard good things about the brand, but i’m so used to the other brands I use, it’s like starting a new relationship. Luckily as…
My room is a mess & my hair is brown!
The main reason at the moment that my blog has been a little slow posting, is because i’m currently trying to unpack & organise all my stuff. I’m not a hoarder, but I have a lot of stuff and trying to go from having a 3 bedroom house to one large room, it’s been a little crazy. On top of that, all my boxes of stuff, which atm include collectibles and clothes are outside. It is undercover, but we’ve been having major rain, so some of my stuff has started to get damp. Eek! I went out today and bought 4 storage tubs (Goodbye $40!), but that will only hold a small…
24 hour blonde!
Since deciding on growing my hair longer, I’ve been a good girl in regards to bleach. I used to change colours often & would bleach the previous colour out. My hair ended up just saying ‘NO’. Now, I generally just do my regrowth. Every few months though, I give the rest of the hair a light run through. I let the colour fade out and lighten it. This results in me being blonde, usually only for 24 hours at the most. Honestly, I think I look horrid as a blonde! Oh, did I mention I got a hair cut? My Mum didn’t think it was too noticeable, but I got around…