Stargate SG1 Convention!
The convention I attended on Saturday was for Stargate SG-1! The guests in attendance were Chris Judge & Corin Nemec! It was such a great day! Being in Adelaide, the con was a lot more laid back, Adelaide events don’t seem to have such a high attendee turn out as a lot of the Sydney or Melbourne cons, but we saw a lot of new faces attend this time! As I’m working the convention, I don’t often get to see much of the talks, so I can’t tell you much of what went on. A lunch date with Corin got auctioned off for just over $1000! Not to mention Chris Judge whipped off…
OOTD – Convention Cocktail Party
Friday night saw me at The Hub Productions Stargate Cocktail party! It was so great to catch up with my friends, especially in my own state! Debut of new hair colour too. The green faded so very fast & I was left with blonde hair. Eek! So, I quickly looked through my hair dye stash & went with turqoise. Wish I could have got a better photo of my make-up. Alas, these photo’s got taken quickly before I rushed out! This is a City Chic-tastic outfit! Jumper – City Chic – L Skirt – City Chic – L Belt – City Chic – L-XL Stockings – Woolworths Shoes – Payless for…
The Vampire Diaries Convention
I’m back! It seems that all Convention weekend I feel like a chicken running around without it’s head. It’s busy, busy, busy, the complete opposite to my every day life. I was so tired this time around that on my flight back to Adelaide I feel asleep before the plane left the ground! This time around, the convention was for the hit TV series, The Vampire Diaries. Guests included Michael Trevino (Tyler), Nina Dobrev (Elana/Katherine), Paul Wesley (Stefan) & Ian Somerholder (Damon). All so very amazing, down to earth and yes, pretty. I don’t know if I could choose a favourite this con, but I have to say Ian’s eyes are…
Packing for a weekend convention!
When I visit my parents for over a week I’m a horrid at packing. I never really know what I feel like wearing until I get up in the morning & the thought of trying to pack a week worth of clothes drives me insane! As I’ve started volunteering in the convention industry, I’ve learnt over time how to pack for a weekend away, all in carry on luggage! I live in South Australia, which isn’t very big in regards to the Convention Industry so I often have to fly for work. So far, I’ve flown 6 times this year. Come Monday night that will be 8! I’m starting to…
Eclipse Q&A
I’m back home in Adelaide. I brought back a bad cold with me too! Argh, damn Sydney weather! Signed pass, inside the venue - the stage, Kristen & Taylor. To be honest, I was rather disappointed with this event. It was badly run and just chaos. I guess I’m used to the high caliber of the conventions I attend, but this was pretty crazy. The 30 minute Q&A actually was more like 15 minutes, the rest filled with clips. I found Kristen Stewart all sorts of adorable, I think it’s the fact that she is very awkward. She very much comes across as an introvert, just wanting to act. Taylor…