Birthday Shenanigans (Quick outfit)
Saturday was my birthday!! I flew down to Melbourne last Thursday, I wanted to spend my birthday with my man friend and with things going well, we decided I’d come down and stay for 6 weeks. Whilst unpacking my 2 suitcases, I realised I brought more clothes with me then my man friend actually owns! I guess that’s the life of a fashionista! I picked up my birthday dress the day before my birthday. I’d been in love with the dress for ages, and you’ve probably already seen a few Aussie bloggers rock it, but when it went on sale I went to snap it up online, only to have…
Outfit – Mums Birthday Dinner
Just a quick post! Wednesday was my Mothers birthday & to celebrate my Dad took her out to dinner, I of course, tagged along! I’ve actually been feeling a little under the weather, I’ve not been sleeping well since Frodo past and I seem to have a bit of allergies. So, please excuse the puffy eyes & no make up! Oh, and the photos were just quick snaps on my mobile. This dress is one I picked up in the recent Black Friday sales in the US. The lovely Lucy let me add a couple of items to her Forever21+ order, and I am so glad I went with my gut instinct…
My Birthday Shenanigans!
My birthday was spread over two days. Friday, my actual birthday & Saturday. Friday was more of a family affair, I went to the movies with my Brother to see the new Star Trek movie. My parents, brother & I then went out to dinner to The Hogs Breath. I hadn’t been in a while and it really is my favourite restaurant. Love it, love it, love it! It was dark when we went for dinner, so I couldn’t get proper outfit photos, so here are a couple from my camera. I guess it’s better then nothing! Dress – City Chic | Jacket – City Chic | Shoes – Melissa…
It’s my birthday!
Today is my one hundred and eleventieth birthday 27th birthday! It’s so weird to think that I’m now 27. I certainly don’t feel it. I could not for the life of me remember how old I was turning a couple of weeks back, I had to google it to make sure. Google makes me feel old! I was only thinking the other day how easy kids have it! When I was in primary school, if I wanted to do an assignment it was off to the library or searching through encyclopedias. I mean, I LOVE the internet, love having all that information at my fingertips, but I seem to now be…
Today marked my Mothers 60th Birthday and to celebrate my parents and I went for a drive up the mountains. I’ve always loved the Blue Mountains and since the move, I now live closer to them. I have more photos to show from today, but i’m leaving them for another post. We stopped at Leura to browse around the shops. So many cute boutique stores that I could spend soooo much money at. Teddy Sinclair, Mrs Peel. Not to mention all the things I wanted to buy from The Cats Meow & Leura Gifts and Homewares for #thedarlingden! We then stopped and had lunch at Leura Gourmet Cafe & Deli and OMNOMNOM.…