Outfit – Ruler of all the Ocean.
To be honest, I’m not a huge Disney fan. Shock, Horror, I know. I am however drawn to certain stories, or characters. One of them, being Ursula. Sure, she’s not the nicest character, but she’s a flamboyant, lilac skinned fat chick, which always appealed to me. While, I didn’t relate to her personality (apart from her love of Flotsam & Jetsam), I could relate to her looks. The colours and pattern on the Villains leggings is nothing short of amazing! I kind of want the Princess and Sleeping Beauty leggings now, just because of the beautiful vibrant colours. I was lucky because I scooped these pair up on a Buy/Swap/Sell group…
Outfit – My Little Pony!
Life has been getting me down. I’ve been sick, stressed and that led me on a path to depression. I’ve been in a bit of a funk, so on days when I have to get up and go out, I try and dress fun, bright, and cheerful. Something that will make me feel a little better, give me a bit of a reason to smile. When life gets you down, channel a My Little Pony. Yes, I am wearing leggings as pants! As you should know by now, I do it quite often. I don’t care about the ‘fashion rules’, but my personal ruling is as long as my lady…
Aussie Curves – Headwear
I found it a little hard deciding what headwear to choose for this weeks Aussie Curves theme. Did I want to wear a wig? Or animals ears? In the end I decided to choose my outfit for the day and then find something that matched. This dress is amazing! I had to hunt it down in store as when I found it online they only had sizes 24 & 26 in stock. I didn’t even know that Crossroads went up to that size! When in store, they had plenty of smaller sizes, but none of my normal size 22. When I spotted the size 20 I snapped it up and…