Breaking out of my comfort zone.
Neysha and I trying on sunglasses at Sportsgirl. Me about to try Max Brenner for the first time. Images by Neysha. Doing things that are out of your comfort zones is hard. Myself, I’m not so good at doing things by myself. I can be quite self conscious and anxious. I can’t catch a bus in Sydney, I can do it if I’m with a friend, but by myself, nope, can’t step on one. I can catch a train in Sydney most days though. It’s frustrating to say the least, it’s something that so many people take for granted, but for me, it’s something that I just can’t do, when I…
Anxiety and I are old friends, but until recently, we only really met up when I’d have blood tests. Seem’s as of late she’s been weaseling her way back into my life and I seem to have forgotten (or blocked out) just how debilitating it can be. The flight or fight reflex kicks in, and in those moments, you honestly believe that this has to be the worst feeling in the world. My heart beats fast. I shake. I get a cold sweat. I feel so nauseous. I’ve been managing to push through most of them, but I suffered the largest one i’ve had in years a fortnight ago. Right now, it seems like…