In Memory
Through the years, and with my best friend Catherine.
Thank you to everyone who commented on my last thoughts. I read all the comments & it made me feel so honoured to have you keep my Nan in your thoughts. Thank you to all who prayed and lit a candle for her. I’m not an overly religious person, but my Nan was, so it would have meant a lot to her.
She passed away yesterday after noon. Soon after my brother & his children left. It was like she was happy she’s seen all her grand & great grandchildren, she was happy to move on.
Nan with her cat Sebastian and my dog Frodo around 6 years ago.
My parents arrived home today. We are all somewhat dealing. I don’t think it’s hit us yet. It will take us a while for it to settle in. She was a huge part of our lives as she lived with my parents for the last 10 years. She only moved into a nursing home at the end of last year.
Nan, Santa & I in 2004
Nan and I had a sort of tradition of getting Santa photos together. I love getting Santa photos and not many people would jump in with me for them, but Nan always would. Then flirt with Santa as she was doing it. This was one of the first ones we had together. I currently have an A4 sized newer one on the fridge so I could see her every day.
It hurts & I’m going to miss her. I’m just thankful she’s no longer in pain and that hopefully she is in a better place.