MBFF | Myer | Big is Beautiful | OOTD!
When I was invited to MBFF my first thought was ‘OMG, what am I going to wear?’. I’m the kind of person who wakes up on the day and throws on whatever I feel like wearing. I never know from day to day if I will feel like being feminine, bright, dark, sloppy. I blame it on being a Gemini. But this, this is MBFF!
In the end, I didn’t think too much of it! I spotted this dress ages ago & loved it. I’m going through a Beetlejuice inspired stage. When Mum went in to Suzanne Grae last week I noticed the dress on sale. I couldn’t refuse, it’s been my only ‘me’ purchase in the past few months.
Yes, I am loving the neon trend. I’ve always been a lover of wearing black & adding colourful accessories, so i had to add the playful pop of bright nail polish, belt & shoes.
- DRESS – Suzanne Grae – Size L
- VEST – C/O 17 Sundays – Size L
- SHOES – Rubi Shoes – Size 39
- BELT – ASOS Curve
- BRACLETS – Various