Rainbow hair by Rach!
I first started seeing Rach in April of this year and I honestly don’t know if I can find the words to show much I appreciate her. When I was younger, I didn’t really take good care of my hair. I would switch colours monthly and just bleach over bleach over bleach. Which, of course, resulted in breakage and having my hair cut shorter.

As I grew older, I started taking better care, but still mostly did it all myself. But this year, and having met Rach, I can really appreciate the work of a good hairdresser. Firstly, my hair is in the best condition it’s been in for along time. In fact, it’s growing like a weed (even with me being quite sick this year). It’s soft, its bouncy, I’ve had baby hairs grow in. Rach also manages to get my hair to such a light blonde that somehow feels and looks amazing.

I’ve been so many colours over the years, I always say pink in my natural colour. I also suck at making decisions, so I let Rach pick and choose what she wants to do with my hair. I let her try any ideas or experiments she has. This time my only ask was a hair cut, a bit of choppy layers put in to make my hair a bit less heavy for summer.

Yet again, Rach out did herself. I mean, look at this fantastic rainbow of hair! I went out yesterday and had 3 people compliment me! This is pretty much my dream hair come to life!

You should go check out Rach’s INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK and if you’re in Melbourne, consider checking her out. She’s based in Melton and I actually travel around 3 hours to get to her. She’s worth it!
So, what do you think of my hair?