Everyday,  Personal

Monthly Catch Up – October

Right, so my last catch up post was June, whoops! A lot of July/ August/ September were travelling to Queensland and Hong Kong, which all got dedicated posts. I still have posts to share about both destinations, but in the mean time, I thought i’d do an October catch up post!

Event – Power Ranch

I love a good girls night and the Power Ranch was up there in my top five. If I’d being honest, a lot of the gigs I go to these days, I go to spend time with Mallory and Angela. This time, whilst I didn’t know either of the acts, I really loved them, and they played songs I knew! Haha! The night started with Harry Hookey, who I promptly fell in love with. My iPod is filled with similar folksy blues artists that of course I raced homed and added most of his music to my Spotify playlist. Next was Brook Chivell with guest Nat Pearson. A talented handsome man who sings and plays the guitar very well. Nat may only be tiny but she’s got a big amazing voice.

New Tattoo!

I’ll share a better photo once it’s all healed. At the moment I only have the fresh picture. Life has been crazy of late and it’s made me really rethink everything. I wanted to get something for my family, they are the reason I am still here today. They are my backbone, so I thought it fitting I get the first initial of my family members down my spine. Yes, I am aware if you read it down it says ‘dank – scab’, but I don’t care. To me, it’s my parents, my siblings, my nieces and nephews. I love how Dalia made it a bit more feminine with the flowers on the side & I think in the future I may get some flowers on the other side & some colour added. As it was, it was my largest tattoo. To be honest, I didn’t find it hurt much at all whilst getting done. It was later that night when I had to clean it that I felt like I was almost about to pass out from the pain. 


With my nephew and niece.

I spent just over a week in Sydney! Sadly a few members of my family are seriously ill, so I wanted to spend some time with them. Dad had to go into hospital for a procedure and I wanted to keep Mum company. I love living in Melbourne, but its times like this when I hate being so far away from my parents. I had a great time catching up with family and friends, as well as giving out the presents I bought in Hong Kong!


Ahhh, fashion. It’s been lacking here on the blog lately, I know. I’m sorry. Here is the outfit I wore to Power Ranch. I didn’t know what to expect of the venue, so I went with jeans and a singlet, with a cardi. Second is a dress I picked up from The Iconic for Hong Kong and I’ve been wearing it so often! It’s so comfy!

Singlet – Dorothy Perkins
Cardigan – Millers
Jeans – Crossroads
Jacket – Crossroads

Dress – Atmos & Here Curvy (Size 22)


I’m doing pretty well! Once I came back from Hong Kong, I had to go for more tests. A few days after I was discharged from hospital in June, I got a call from the hospital saying that they were worried about lymphoma. Que freaking out. Basically after a few doctors visits I was left having to wait 3 month to have more tests. Well, I went for those tests and ALL CAME BACK CLEAR! I’m certainly sleeping better at night now as i’m not constantly worrying.

I think that’s about all! What’s new with you!?