Meccaland – Face Off – On stage and online!
So, last month, I was super excited to get tickets to Meccaland (you can read the post about it here) and gosh was it a day! I actually had the craziest experience. On the day, Mecca had a booth to sign up for a competition called ‘Face Off’. Basically, they took a picture of your makeup look, put them of a board and then picked their 3 favourites. The 3 favourites then participate onstage applying makeup on a model. The winner wins a $1000 gift card, the 2 runners-up get $100. I decided “eh, why not” never thinking I’d get into the top 3, but I did!
I got the phone call and had to make my way to the stage. There I was taken backstage and introduced to everyone. I’d met Rae years and years ago at an event, but she’s a bit of an idol of mine. Not to mention Elsye is SO friggin stunning IRL! The other contestants Nate, Anabella and I had a bit of time to gather our thoughts and freak out. I was SO nervous. If you read my blog, by now you know I have anxiety and even getting out of the house is hard for me. Here I was, about to go on stage, in front of a crowd and makeup artists I admire, oh and it was being streamed LIVE on the internet.
I sucked it up and just went with it. Looking back, I don’t think I did too bad, given that I had 20 minutes. I even did winged liner, which is hard to do when your hands are shaking! All the models were stunning with beautiful skin, so that helped, but using makeup I’d never used before made it difficult. You never know how some things are going to work. The theme was ‘holographic halo’.
Apart from doing a few small makeup applications on friends, it’s been YEARS since I’ve applied makeup to someone I just met. It’s been around 13 years since I dropped out of beauty school! (Did you notice I’m wearing my Erstwilder x Grease Frenchie brooch!?)
I didn’t win, which I knew I wouldn’t, but I’m proud at the end result and I did get a $100 mecca gift card! SCORE!
Now, if you want to see me in action haha, you can view the Livestream HERE. It starts from the 2-hour mark! I stumbled over my words a bit and am awkward, but hey, I’m like that a lot of the time anyway.
Also, a huge thank you to Kayley for the photos!