My bloggerversary! 14 years of blogging!
It’s a little hard to believe that today marks 14 years since I started blogging. That is nearly half my life! Extra Large as life is however only going onto it’s 5th year. Before here, I had a blog named “Oh! I dazzle?”. Points to anyone who can guess that reference.
I’ve seen a lot, I’ve done a lot. I don’t think it was even called blogging when I started sharing my life on the internet. My blog(s) have taken many different forms, and shared many different themes, but I guess it’s all been slightly vain as they’ve all revolved around me.
Extra Large as Life started after my previous blog started getting some comments about my clothing. I had originally started the blog as a way to keep up with family when I moved to Adelaide, but as the fat acceptance movement was starting, and I had people noticing my clothing, I decided to change the name to something fat friendly. Extra Large as Life was born, and really, that kick started my love of fashion.
I’ve had many mixed thoughts about blogging & I’ve come to accept i’m never going to be one of those amazing famous bloggers who earn 6 figures. I have enough trouble keeping in contact with friends, let alone nurturing brand relationships. It helped me realise that to enjoy this, I had to do it for me, and for my readers. I admit, at times I felt blogger envy & I questioned myself a lot, but at the end of the day, I love to blog, to share my life, my fashion & findings with people.
You’ve seen the highs and lows, my mental health journey, love & heartbreak, many different fashion trends. I’ve met so many amazing people, who I now call many friends, and have had some fantastic opportunities. Life, I’ve posted close to 880 posts & recieved nearly 10 000 comments! Who knows what the coming years has in terms of blogging, and my blog, but thank you for coming along for the ride!!
How long have you been reading XL as Life?