Event,  Everyday

Madame Tussauds

madame-01Last Sunday I hoped on the train and met my Sister, her fiance & my nephew near their place for a trip into Darling Harbour to visit Madame Tussauds. It was a surprise for my nephew, as my sister must have said wax museum and all week he thought we were going to see a candle museum. It was quite amusing!

madame-02If you were wondering, yes, Rihanna had on underwear, fancy frilly things actually 😛 I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but I really enjoyed the day. The figures were SO lifelike, I kept expecting one to move, and would often mistake one for a person. I’m not sure which figure was my favourite, maybe Lady Gaga or Iron Man, but I did get rather excited seeing Ned Kelly and Rove!

We made a quick visit to my Uncle and then off to the Sydney fish markets, it was the first time I’d ever been and golly did all the seafood make my mouth water! I did pick up some of my favourites salmon and oysters. Yeah, Oysters are probably my favourite food. I’ve always LOVED them!


If you get the chance, I’d say go check out Madame Tussauds. If you buy your tickets online it works out cheaper and you can get combo tickets to an array of different attractions.

There were so many photos on the day I didn’t want to post 290730 here, so I’ve uploaded them to facebook, go check them all out HERE.