2012 – A few favourites
2012 and was a bit of a gap year for me, but in the whole not a bad year, I felt I just kind of coasted a long at a dawdle, trying to figure out what I wanted in life. I did manage to cross a couple of things off my bucket list (which needs to be updated).
I rang in the New Year with my High School best friend whilst on holidays at Greenwell Point – Visited Adelaide – Met Hippos – Fractured my foot and my wrist – Mr Frodo nearly died and had to have a VERY expensive operation – Got to hold a wombat, dingo, crocodile and python, as well as pat a koala – Went to the Easter show – Attended my first Fashion Week – Seen Prince in concert – Got my L’s – Turned 26 – Attended Nuffnang Blogopolis – My parents sold the house I grew up in & we bought a new house – Moved to the new house, which took 4 trucks – Mr Frodo turned 10 – Adopted a cat – My parents adopted a new dog, Betsy. THE HOBBIT THE HOBBIT THE HOBBIT!
Zoo Week – Meeting the Hippos | This was one of my bucket list items. Hippos are one of my favourite animals and having the chance to not only touch one, but to feed it was amazing. If you ever have the chance to go to Adelaide Zoo, I highly recommend this behind the scenes tour.
My Life Soundtrack – 5ive | 5ive were the love of my teen years. I was going to grow up and marry Ritchie, and the fact that this year has seen so much 5ive action made all that love spring alive again. Yep, reliving my youthful crushes. If you want to know, yes, I do still love their music, and yes, I do still remember all the dance moves.
Shoalhaven Zoo | Yeah, I’m crazy about animals. Whilst holidaying at my parents van, I visited Shoalhaven Zoo and had an absolutely amazing time. Of course I had to get photos with all the animals! I’d never had the opportunity to hold a dingo or wombat before!
Hair Care | I often get emails or comments about my hair so I decided to put together a post answering some of the most common questions.
Prince Concert | PRINCE IN CONCERT! Yes! I have a list of artists I’d love to see in concert, and Prince was on that list! However I never expected to pay $550 for a ticket, or be sitting so close to the stage, but it was an amazing experience.
I’m not sorry that i’m fat | Even 6 months after writing this article, guess what, I’m still not sorry.
The post about piercings | Another thing I get asked about often are my piercings, here is a break down of my piercings, what i’ve had, what I’d love, and answers to a few common questions.
The loss of an unknown life | Sometimes I take a leap and get quite personal on my blog, this was a hard post to write, but harder to click ‘publish’. I’m glad I did though.
A love letter to New Zealand | I love New Zealand, have for many years, visiting it in 2011 made me love it even more, so I decided I need to write it a love letter 😛