Things I Love Thursday!
VETS– I have so much adoration for good vets. With Frodo being sick, I just appreciate them even more. It’s not an easy job, I started studying to be a Vet, but I just couldn’t do it. For as much as I love animals & want to help them, I couldn’t turn off the “fall in love with every animal” switch. Frodo is in at the vets today. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO DONATED!
SOCIAL NETWORKING– A lot of people are anti-social networking lately, but living in a different state to my family I find that it’s the best way to keep in contact with my family! My Mum, Brother, Sister & Nieces & Nephew has facebook, as well as other extended family, so it’s great to chat or see new pictures.
OTHER-Hamburger nights with Adam, it’s great to have some help in the kitchen! Long hot baths whilst reading a great book! Finishing a book! AMAZING FRIENDS!Great opportunities. Getting along good with my in-laws! Ikea catalogues.
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