• Everyday

    Oh Sydney City, I’ve missed you.

    Train Station. Train Seats. Sydney Harbour Bridge hazy from the rain. My hotel Room. Rain making buildings disappear. I’ve only managed to get into the city once since my move back to Sydney in June, pretty sad, I know, so when I decided to attend the Blogger Relations Forum (more about that in another post), I thought i’d spend the previous night in the city. Not to mention the getting up at 5am to catch a train into the city didn’t appeal to me at all. Of course, the weather was dreary, so I made my way into the city on Wednesday afternoon and then camped out in my hotel. When…

  • Everyday

    Quick Pics, Instragram & my back!

    So, at the moment, it seems I won’t be needing surgery. Yay. Basically, to put it in understandable terms, a couple of my discs have bulged and certain ways I move it will hit against my spinal cord, which is what causes the loss of feeling to my legs. I have anti inflammatory medication and I have to have extensive physio. My doctor is hoping this will ease the pain, because he really doesn’t want to have me go through spinal surgery at 25. Yesterday we had a family gathering. Every year of that Dad’s side of the family often get together for a BBQ. As i’ve been in Adelaide, i’ve not been able…

  • Everyday

    Quick Pics!

    I love blue & red together! ASOS sale dress. Hanging outside by the pool. The month in Instagram! Since I got my iPad, i’ve fallen in to the ‘I <3 Instagram’ trap. It’s pretty awesome. Here are the majority of the images from this month.

  • Everyday

    Quick Pics!

    It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Quick Pics post, but never fear, here are some snap shots from the past few weeks! My parents went away recently, which left me looking after their dog Emily. She’s a very timid dog, she came from a rescue home and it’s obvious she’s been abused in the past. It’s amazing to see her transformation. With Frodo around, she’s learning more dog like behavior and realising she’s not going to get into trouble for everything. She decided that Frodos crate was the best place to sleep. Frodo wasn’t too sure about it. (Yes, my room is a mess, problem with trying to fit a whole house into one…

  • Everyday

    Quick Pics – Phone Cam Post!

    When I was in Melbourne we went to dinner at a Teppenyaki restaurant. It was AMAZING! I’d never been before & had such a fantastic time. I am a really shy person, but I thought I should at least bask in the full experience, lets just say, I’m not the best at catching bowls, especially bowls filled with fried rice! Our chef wrote my name in egg! Yes, that there is egg! I then proceeded to eat it! Omnomnom! Ginny & Henry <3 This was way back in June! Lou, Jess & I out to dinner (with Adam) at The Pancake Kitchen! Henry would often end up sitting on my netbook.…